In an exclusive chat with Bollywood Bubble, Rakhi Sawant discussed her news of getting married for the third time to Pakistani actor, Dodi Khan. The actress shared the Bollywood stars she wishes to invite to her wedding in Pakistan with Dodi Khan. Rakhi Sawant also revealed that she is planning to get her wedding dress made by Manish Malhotra and would want Karan Johar to perform Kanya Daan.
Rakhi Sawant reveals the Bollywood actors she would invite to her wedding with Dodi Khan
On being asked who will likely be invited to her wedding, Rakhi Sawant responded, “Pakistan mein shaadi karungi toh definitely Pakistan ke stars hi ayenge, Hania ayegi. Wasim Akram ji – abhi main unse milli Pakistan mein.” On being asked if Bollywood stars will be invited to her wedding in Pakistan, the actress replied, “Pakistan Bollywood ke stars ko pura pasand karte hai. Pakistan ke wajah se humari Bollywood ke films chalte hai, toh Bollywodo ke stars kyu nahi ayenge?”
When asked if their wedding would be held in Dubai, she responded, “Main Hindustan se hu, shaadi meri Pakistan mein hogi aur reception India mein hogi. Yeh toh tumhari jiju ki marzi hai woh baarat India le ke aaye ya Dubai.”
Watch the full video here